"REŠETILOVS UN CO" took the 3rd place!

The company "REŠETILOVS UN CO" took the 3rd place in the "Best Exporter" category.
moreThe company "REŠETILOVS UN CO" took the 3rd place in the "Best Exporter" category.
moreOn June 5 is celebrated the World Environment Day.
more22 march – World Water day.
UN declared 2005-2015 years – World decade “Water for life”.
On June 3-6 2014 “REŠETILOVS UN CO” IK participated in 11th International Water Forum “Water: Ecology and Technology” ECWATECH 2014
moreWe thank all for visiting “REŠETILOVS UN CO” IK stand at the exhibition IFAT ENTSORGA 2014!
"REŠETILOVS UN CO" IK invites you to join at the Aquatech 2013 in Amsterdam.
moreOn June 6-7, 2013 the annual forum was held by the Schneider Electric company in the Baltic States. This year the forum took place in Tallinn (Estonia).
moreWorld Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 and since then it is annually noted by all world community on June 5.